Domino's Paving for Pizza

Domino’s chooses New Orleans’ potholes to fill

by Kiri Walton | August 4, 2018

We’ve been coming up with our own creative pothole fixes for years. Now, even Domino’s wants to help us fill our potholes.

The pizza company, which asked for nominations of towns and cities that could use their help paving roads for smoother pizza delivery, has chosen New Orleans as its next town to get a pizza-sponsored pothole repair grant. In Milford, Del., Domino’s fixed 40 potholes, 8 in Bartonville, Texas.

Next week, the New Orleans City Council votes on the $5,000 grant, which will go to the Department of Public Works if approved.

“We can’t stand by and let your cheese slide to one side, your toppings get un-topped or your boxes get flipped, so we’re helping to pave in in towns across the country to save your good pizza from these bad roads,” states Domino’s Paving for Pizza website.

Maybe if we can get other delivery companies on board, we won’t have to use our potholes as neighborhood wading pools anymore. That’s one pothole fix we may almost miss. Almost.




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Kiri Walton

Kiri Walton

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