
Best Bets: New Orleans Film Festival, Beetlejuice and Kevin Hart

By Kiri Walton | October 15, 2018

Take in a film at the New Orleans Film Festival or get your laugh on with Kevin Hart, or do both and take in a free screening of Beetlejuice at Broad Street Cider & Ale.

Yes, our city had a second line for a cat because… New Orleans

By Mary Staes | October 15, 2018

While Zap Cat’s antics caused a power outage for more than 7,500 people on a Monday morning, that didn’t stop a crowd from coming out to celebrate his life.

New Orleans’ Prince of Wales second line celebrates 90 years with style

By Mary Staes | October 15, 2018

Blue and gold were on full display under the St. Charles Avenue oaks Sunday.

NOBO PICKS: Fall is the season for new movement

By Mary Staes | October 12, 2018

This month New Orleans dancers are moving with a new groove! These artists tell original stories, battle for a title, perform contemporary and classical styles in theaters, churches, and non-traditional spaces.

We know we aren’t the only ones who miss the old Kanye

By Mary Staes | October 12, 2018

Let us all gather together and remember the old Kanye, that College Dropout Kanye, that that-that-that-don’t-kill-me-Stronger Kanye, over mimosas and benedicts.

Q&A: ‘That Actor Guy’ Martin Bats Bradford on ‘Tales from the Hood 2’ and 50 Cent

By Mary Staes | October 12, 2018

You’ve seen him in a movie before. You just don’t know his name, yet.

Your guide to Gentilly Fest

By Mary Staes | October 12, 2018

Our top picks for with to hear (and eat) at Gentilly Fest.

Weekend Picks: Fests from one side of the river to the other

By Mary Staes | October 12, 2018

This weekend, you can literally fest from one side of the city to the other.

NOLA Sounds: the Neo-Soul of Xeno Moonflower and Nondi

By Mary Staes | October 11, 2018

Gearing up for Voodoo Fest? NOLA Sounds is featuring some of the smoothest local talent with Xeno Moonflower and Nondi

Join the Very Local NOLA team for Office Hours at Coffee Science

By Kiri Walton | October 10, 2018

C’mon and talk to us, NOLA.